Puntarenas Province
Costa Rica

Popular cities in Puntarenas Province
Known for Beaches, Nature and Wildlife
Get away to romantic Quepos! Enjoy the natural setting, beaches, and adventure.
Reasons to visit
- Playa Espadilla
- Marina Pez Vela
Known for Forests, Hiking and Bird watching
Get away to Monteverde! Enjoy the forests, zip-lining, and hiking.
Reasons to visit
- Monteverde Cloud Forest Biological Reserve
Known for Beaches, Relaxing and Tours
Relaxing Jaco awaits: its surfing, beaches, adventures, and more!
Reasons to visit
- Jaco Beach
Known for Relaxing, Secluded and Surfing
Get away to secluded Cóbano! Enjoy the surfing, jungle, and zip-lining.
Reasons to visit
- Montezuma Falls
Known for Tours, Excursions and Islands
Like island views? Get away to relaxing Paquera!
Drake Bay
Known for Beaches, Snorkeling and Nature
Explore Drake Bay: its snorkeling, natural setting, beaches, and more!
AcapulcoAgua BuenaAgujasArancibiaBallenaBanderaBarrancaBejucoBoca BarrancaBuenos AiresCabo MatapaloCabuyaCalderaCamaronalCanoasCarateCarmenCd NeilyCedralCedrosChacaritaChiraChomesChontalesCiudad CortésCocos IslandConte BuricaCuruCóbanoDamasDominicalDominicalitoDos BrazosDrake BayEl RobleEsparzaEspíritu SantoEsterillosEsterillos CentroEsterillos EsteEsterillos OesteGolfitoGuacimalHatilloHerraduraJacoLa LindoraLa PalmaLagunillasLangostinoLas DeliciasLepantoLondresLos PlanesMalpaisManuel AntonioManzanilloManzanilloMatapaloMiramarMonteverdeMontezumaNaranjitoOjochalPalma QuemadaPalmarPaqueraParritaPaso CanoasPavonesPavónPiedras BlancasPitahayaPlaya BlancaPlaya HermosaPlaya Hermosa CóbanoPlaya MatapaloPlaya NaranjoPlaya ZancudoPortalonPuerto JiménezPunta BancoPunta LeonaPuntarenasQueposRinconRio ClaroSan JuliánSan VitoSanta ElenaSanta TeresaSantiagoSavegreSierpeTamborTango MarTivivesTres RíosTárcolesUvita