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Other neighborhoods around Gateway

Frozen in time: AVRO CF-100.
Legion Memorial Gardens

Northeast Mississauga

4/5(615 area reviews)

Northeast Mississauga is popular for its ample dining options, and you might make a stop by Sikh Heritage Museum of Canada, a top place to visit in the area.

Northeast Mississauga
Etobicoke featuring street scenes


4/5(855 area reviews)

Suburban and industrialized, Etobicoke boasts numerous parks like James Gardens and Centennial Park, as well as golf courses such as St. George's Golf and Country Club. Enjoy convenient public transportation via TTC and GO stations.

Kleinburg featuring a festival, music and flowers


Suburban Woodbridge boasts natural preserves like Boyd Conservation Area and Kortright Centre, with Market Lane as its commercial hub. Explore Memorial Hill, Pierre Berton Library, and stroll along Woodbridge Avenue.

Fort York National Historic Site which includes a city and signage


If you're spending time in Niagara, check out sights like Coca-Cola Coliseum or Exhibition Place and hop on the metro to see more the city at King St West at Niagara St Stop or King St West at Tecumseth St Stop.

Now who could resist some really cool opportunities to visit as the locals do? #lifeatexpedia #retailtherapy

Wellington Place

If you're spending time in Wellington Place, check out sights like Spadina Avenue Shopping District or The Path and hop on the metro to see more the city at King St West at Portland St East Side Stop or King St West at Spadina Ave West Side Stop.

Wellington Place
Toronto Botanical Garden showing a garden

North York

3.5/5(282 area reviews)

Home to interactive museums like Ontario Science Centre and Aga Khan Museum, North York offers ample shopping at Yorkdale Shopping Centre and Fairview Mall. Easily accessible via TTC subway and bus lines.

North York

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