I went to Tenerife for a quiet, relaxing holiday. I knew nothing about the fire in the neighbouring flats until I arrived at approximately 12:30a.m.on Friday 26th October 2018, when after trundling myself and my large case on wheels three or four times around the whole block of apartments, a very kind neighbour came out to help me find the flat which was in total darkness, due to the fire damaging the lighting in that area! Relaxing? - During the hours of 8:30a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday to Friday and two Saturdays, there was constant noise from the workmen using power tools, scraping, hammering, chipping away at the masonry, with their radio on all of that time blaring out continuous music from a local Spanish speaking radio station. Even when they went for a break, they left the radio on! The evenings were very quiet! For 28 nights there was no television or radio, no films to watch, no news to listen to - nothing but the reading that I had brought with me and puzzle books which I had. Fortunately I had brought with me a couple of DVDs which I had recently purchased, in case there was nothing that I wanted to watch on the television(chance would have been a fine thing!), but they lasted only a relatively short time even though I watched them through several times! I do feel that I am due some recompense, in view of all the inconvenience which I experienced. The flat itself was very good, well laid out and decorated - BUT! Perhaps you would pass on my comments to Daniela. I await a reply.