6/10 Okay
richard f.
28 April 2019
Very nice, but not what advertised.
A really lovely and enjoyable place, but not a 2-bedroom unit, as advertised. It is actually a 1-bedroom unit, and that bedroom was locked off from our use, so we actually had only one HALF bedroom : a loft without a door or real closet. We did briefly look at the unit before moving in, so we are somewhat to blame for being taken by its charm and failing to realize how it wasn’t what was advertised. Gina did usefully negotiate with us over another issue, but refused to open up the one actual bedroom, so it's a gross representation to advertise it as a 2 bedroom unit that sleeps four! Because we were upset at this, we found ourselves dissatisfied with other things that otherwise we'd let slide: several of the kitchen cabinets were filled with their food products that we don’t use, the t.v. has many Asian language stations but no stations (for example, CNN, any sports station, etc.) that we watch, there is no baking pans, etc. Put together with the bedroom issue, we concluded that Gina was not focused on accommodating to her guests. With it being listed differently, people who chose to rent it would probably be quite happy with it.
richard f.
Stayed 128 nights in Oct 2018