This enchanting apartment, located outside of Puerto Viejo, is an online worker’s dream. Set on a private driveway in the Black Beach (Playa Negra) neighborhood and surrounded by lush jungle. It blends modern comfort with natural beauty. Featuring high ceilings, a fully equipped kitchen and a tropical garden.
The apartment was specifically built to view wildlife. We have troupes of monkeys regularly pass by in view of the veranda. Sloths, toucans, oropendolas and parrots seen frequently.
We are experienced hosts and have been Super Hosts on other platforms for almost two years. We love sharing this space and experience with guests from all over the world.
Provided is:
Studio apartment with a queen bed, air conditioning, hot shower, full kitchen, washing machine, TV with Netflix, filtered water, coffee maker, hot water kettle, rice cooker, blender, oven, private balcony with furniture set, fans, extra air mattress, gas grill, free parking
1.5km to the nearest Beach access at Hotel Banana Azul where there is a gourmet market/Beach Club/Bar/Restaurante/Excursion booking agency (Caribe Fun Tours)
3km to the bustling town of Puerto Viejo
We Recommend having some type of transportation
Gas powered scooters can hold two people and are a fun way to get around. They have reasonable rates, info can be provided