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Villa Porto Matzavino ( private villa) – Your Sanctuary in Picturesque Greece

Photo gallery for Villa Porto Matzavino ( private villa) – Your Sanctuary in Picturesque Greece

On the beach, sun loungers
Property grounds
Unclassified image, 3 of 46, button
On the beach, sun loungers


9.8 out of 10

Entire home

3 bedrooms3 bathroomsSleeps 6109 sq m

Popular amenities

  • Parking available
  • Hot Tub
  • Washer
  • Barbecue grill
  • Air conditioning
  • Kitchen

About this property

Entire place

You'll have the entire home to yourself and will only share it with other guests in your party.

Villa Porto Matzavino ( private villa) – Your Sanctuary in Picturesque Greece

Η Villa Porto Matzavino βρίσκεται στο Βόνιτσα, ανάμεσα στη διακριτική ιστορία και το εκπληκτικό περιβάλλον, ιδανικό για οικογένειες ή επιχειρήσεις.
Στις όχθες του Ιονίου πελάγους, η γοητευτική παραθαλάσσια βίλα διαθέτει τη δική της παραλία στον Αμβρακικό κόλπο. Η απομονωμένη ημι-ιδιωτική παραλία και τα 8.000 τμ ιδιωτικών εκτάσεων με ελαιόδεντρα, φρούτα και λαχανικά, υπόσχονται να κάνουν τις διακοπές σας όπως πρέπει.
Οι κοντινές σμαραγδένιες πράσινες παραλίες σε συνδυασμό με την υπέροχη θάλασσα και τις ορεινές τοποθεσίες θα σας προσφέρουν χαλαρωτικές στιγμές. Έχοντας ποικίλες επιλογές, οι επισκέπτες μπορούν να κολυμπήσουν σε περισσότερες από 20 παραλίες, από μικρές απομονωμένες έως μεγάλες κοσμοπολίτικες.

Οι επισκέπτες έχουν πρόσβαση

Η ήσυχη και ήσυχη βίλα μας - με θέα στη θάλασσα και στο βουνό - έχει αναπτυχθεί σε τρία επίπεδα - δάπεδα με τεράστιο υπαίθριο χώρο. Είναι λουσμένη στην ελληνική ηλιοφάνεια κάθε ώρα της ημέρας, ωστόσο, έχει σκιά και αναζωογονητικές περιοχές για να απολαύσετε.
Σας παρέχουμε διακοπές υψηλής ποιότητας σε συνδυασμό με εξαιρετικές εγκαταστάσεις.
Η Villa Porto matzavino μπορεί άνετα να φιλοξενήσει δύο οικογένειες ή ομάδες ανθρώπων και αποτελείται από τους εξής χώρους:

• 1 πολύ ευρύχωρο πλήρως επιπλωμένο καθιστικό-τραπεζαρία .

• 1 πλήρως εξοπλισμένη κουζίνα .

• 3 όμορφα διακοσμημένα υπνοδωμάτια - το καθένα με μεγάλη βεράντα με θέα στο απέραντο γαλάζιο του κόλπου του Αμβρακικού.

• 3 μπάνια - ένα από τα οποία είναι ιδιωτικό στο Master bedroom.

• Χώρος μπάρμπεκιου. Οι αποστολές μας μπορούν να απολαύσουν την περιοχή BBQ εάν προτιμούν να ψήνουν τα φρέσκα ψάρια τους ή το νόστιμο κρέας που παρέχεται από την τοπική (URL HIDDEN) από τις μεγαλύτερες τοπικές μας λιχουδιές είναι οι γαρίδες, που κατατάσσονται μεταξύ των πιο γευστικών στον κόσμο.

• Ιδιωτικό πάρκινγκ.

Περιτριγυρισμένο από το θέμα και την αίσθηση "από το σπίτι", η βίλα μας διαθέτει όλες τις ανέσεις, όπως τηλεόραση, internet και wifi.
Υπάρχει επίσης χώρος πλυντηρίου με πλυντήριο ρούχων.
Φυσικά μπορείτε να απολαύσετε την ελληνική ηλιοφάνεια κάθε στιγμή της ημέρας που βρίσκεται στις ξαπλώστρες.
Η μεγαλύτερη χαρά της Villa "Porto Matzavino" είναι η σχεδόν ιδιωτική παραλία. Τοποθετημένος σε έναν μικρό κόλπο, παραμένει ανεπηρέαστος από τον άνεμο, καθιστώντας τη χαρά στα κρυστάλλινα νερά σχεδόν κάθε μέρα του έτους.

Παρέχουμε ένα μικρό κανό και ένα αλιευτικό σκάφος που οι επισκέπτες είναι ελεύθεροι να χρησιμοποιήσουν.

Μπορούμε να προετοιμάσουμε ένα παραδοσιακό φαγητό για σας καθημερινά (κατόπιν ζήτησης) με λογικό κόστος για να δοκιμάσετε την ελληνική κουζίνα.

Αλληλεπίδραση με τους επισκέπτες

Ακόμα κι αν δεν αφήσετε τη βίλα και την άμεση περιοχή για τη διάρκεια, θα απολαύσετε τον ήλιο, την παραλία, το νερό, τις απόψεις και τα πανέμορφα ηλιοβασιλέματα. Ωστόσο, υπάρχουν πολλά να κάνετε μέσα σε μικρή απόσταση οδήγησης, από τον αθλητισμό, μέχρι τα ψώνια, τις ταβέρνες και τα καφέ, καθώς και τη νυχτερινή διασκέδαση.

Η στρατηγική θέση της βίλας μας προσφέρει στους φιλοξενούμενους την ελευθερία να επισκεφτούν οποιοδήποτε μέρος της δυτικής Ελλάδας που επιλέγουν.
Παρέχουμε οδηγούς και χάρτες στους επισκέπτες μας για τις πιο δημοφιλείς εκδρομές της περιοχής.
Παρόλα αυτά, θυμηθείτε - υπάρχει πάντα χώρος για κάποια περιπέτεια που ανακαλύπτει!

Πάρτε το χρόνο σας, απολαύστε τη βραχύτερη απόσταση Βόνιτσα (5 λεπτά με το αυτοκίνητο) ή το παραδοσιακό χωριό Μοναστηράκι.

Κάτω από τα κοντινά ιστορικά αξιοθέατα και νησιά

Λευκάδα (Λευκάδα)
Μόλις 22χλμ. Από την Villa Porto Matzavino βρίσκεται το νησί της Λευκάδας, το οποίο συνδέεται με την ενδοχώρα με μια μικρή γέφυρα. Όμορφη και ήσυχη, ενσαρκώνει την ελληνική νησιώτικη ζωή - ακόμη και σήμερα, κάποιος μπορεί ακόμα να δει τις γυναίκες που φορούν αιώνες παλιές παραδοσιακές ενδυμασίες. Η Λευκάδα είναι διάσημη για τις μερικές από τις ομορφότερες παραλίες της Ευρώπης, όπως η παραλία του Πόρτο-Κατσίκι. Η νότια παραλία και το ψαροχώρι της Βασιλικής έχουν windsurfing παγκόσμιας κλάσης.

Σκορπιός και Μεγανήσι
Ένας άλλος αγαπημένος προορισμός είναι το μικρό νησί του Μεγανήσι, στο οποίο μπορείτε να φτάσετε με πλοίο από τη Λευκάδα. Ιδιαίτερο ενδιαφέρον παρουσιάζει η βόλτα με σκάφος γύρω από τον Σκορπιό, το ιδιωτικό νησί του τελευταίου ελληνικού ναυτικού μεγιστάνα Αριστοτέλη Ωνάση.

Ιθάκη και Κεφαλονιά
Τα πλοία αναχωρούν καθημερινά από το λιμάνι της Βασιλικής στη Λευκάδα προς τα νησιά Κεφαλονιά και Ιθάκη (διαδρομή 1,5 ώρα). Και τα δύο είναι όμορφα, παραδοσιακά και παρθένα νησιά.

Διαδρομή προς Πρέβεζα

Η γραφική πόλη της Πρέβεζας, χτισμένη στη στενή είσοδο του Αμβρακικού κόλπου, είναι ένας ενδιαφέροντος προορισμός και απέχει μόλις 15 χλμ. Από τη βίλα. Η νεοκλασική αρχιτεκτονική της παλιάς πόλης, η υπαίθρια αγορά και οι φημισμένες ψαροταβέρνες της, που κάνουν το λιμάνι, κάνουν την Πρέβεζα μια απόλαυση για τον επισκέπτη το καλοκαίρι.

Λίγα χιλιόμετρα έξω από την Πρέβεζα βρίσκουμε τα ερείπια και το μουσείο της αρχαίας Νικόπολης - μια από τις σημαντικότερες πόλεις της πρώιμης ρωμαϊκής και χριστιανικής εποχής. Ο Ρωμαίος αυτοκράτορας Οκταβιανός ίδρυσε την πόλη για τον εορτασμό της νίκης του πάνω από τον Μάρκο Αντώνιο και την Κλεοπάτρα στη ναυμαχία του Ακτίου, έξω από την Πρέβεζα, το 31 π.Χ. Η σημασία και η πολιτιστική δύναμη της πόλης μπορεί να φανεί στους εξέχοντες τοίχους του κάστρου, σε δύο μεγάλα θέατρα, στο υδραγωγείο, καθώς και σε πολλά βυζαντινά μνημεία. Τα αρχαία ερείπια της Νικόπολης είναι μια όμορφη τοποθεσία και πραγματικά αξίζει να επισκεφθείτε!

Ο ιστορικός χώρος του Αχέροντα και το Νεκρομαντείο - ο μαντείας των νεκρών, σημαντικές τοποθεσίες στην Αρχαία Ελλάδα, βρίσκονται περίπου 1 ώρα με το αυτοκίνητο από το σπίτι, κοντά στο χωριό Αμμουδιά. στο δέλτα του ποταμού Αχέροντα. Σύμφωνα με τον Όμηρο, ο ποταμός Acheron βρισκόταν στην άκρη του "επίπεδου" κόσμου και ήταν η είσοδος στον Κάτω Κόσμο, ο κόσμος των νεκρών!

Μια πανέμορφη πόλη, περίπου 80 χλμ. Από την Πρέβεζα, η Πάργα είναι χτισμένη σε μια απόκρημνη πλαγιά γύρω από έναν μικρό κόλπο, με στενούς δρόμους και δρομάκια χωρίς δρόμους που δίνουν στην πόλη μια έντονη ελληνική νησιώτικη αίσθηση. Καφετέριες, μπαρ και εστιατόρια βρίσκονται στο λιμάνι ή είναι κρυμμένα στα ανηφορικά δρομάκια με όμορφη θέα στον κόλπο. Ένας ζωντανός διεθνής προορισμός προσφέρει στους επισκέπτες του μια ποικιλία από υπέροχα αξιοθέατα, δραστηριότητες, καταστήματα και νυχτερινή ζωή. Στην κορυφή του λόφου βρίσκεται ένα παλιό βενετσιάνικο φρούριο που προσφέρει πανοραμική θέα στη θάλασσα και την περιοχή.

Οι ημερήσιες εκδρομές με πλοίο από την Πάργα μπορούν να σας μεταφέρουν στα νησιά των Παξών, των Αντίπαξων, της Κέρκυρας, καθώς και σε άλλους προορισμούς.

Παξί - Αντίπαξοι
Οι Παξοί και οι Αντίπαξοι είναι το μικρότερο νησί του Ιονίου. Πολλές ημερήσιες εκδρομές ξεκινούν από την Πάργα για περιήγηση στους Παξούς και τους Αντίπαξους, οι οποίες περιλαμβάνουν κολύμπι σε τυρκουάζ νερά, εξερεύνηση σπηλαίων και επίσκεψη στο γραφικό χωριό των Παξών για μεσημεριανό γεύμα, ψώνια και μια βόλτα στην πόλη.

Ο καλύτερος τρόπος να γνωρίσετε την περιοχή είναι να νοικιάσετε ένα αυτοκίνητο.

Μην διστάσετε να επικοινωνήσετε μαζί μου για περισσότερες πληροφορίες.

Property manager

Vassiliki Papa


English, Greek

Add dates for prices

Property amenities


  • On the beach
  • Beach loungers


  • Fenced private pool
  • Hot tub


  • Available in the villa: Free WiFi

Parking and transportation

  • Car required
  • Parking on site


  • Blender
  • Coffee/tea maker
  • Cookware, dishware, and utensils
  • Electric kettle
  • Kitchenette
  • Microwave
  • Oven
  • Paper towels
  • Refrigerator
  • Spices
  • Stovetop
  • Toaster


  • Dining table


  • 3 bedrooms
  • Bedsheets provided


  • 3 bathrooms
  • Bathtub or shower
  • Hair dryer
  • Shower
  • Soap
  • Toilet paper
  • Towels provided

Living spaces

  • Dining table
  • Fireplace
  • Living room
  • Separate dining area


  • Books
  • Stereo
  • TV

Outdoor areas

  • Balcony
  • Barbecue grill
  • Fenced yard
  • Garden
  • Outdoor furniture


  • Laundromat nearby
  • Washing machine

Work spaces

  • Desk


  • Air conditioning
  • Heating


  • No pets allowed


  • Designated smoking areas

Services and conveniences

  • Iron/ironing board
  • Meal delivery service
  • Safe

Location highlights

  • In a rural location
  • In a village
  • Near a hospital
  • Near the bay
  • Near the marina
  • Near the ocean
  • On the waterfront

Things to do

  • Boat
  • Kayak
  • Water sports equipment
  • Birdwatching nearby
  • Fishing nearby
  • Hiking/biking trails nearby
  • Horseback riding nearby
  • Hunting nearby
  • Jet skiing nearby
  • Motor boating nearby
  • Mountain biking nearby
  • Mountain climbing nearby
  • Sailing nearby
  • Scuba diving nearby
  • Snorkeling nearby
  • Surfing/bodyboarding nearby
  • Swimming nearby
  • Water skiing nearby
  • Windsurfing nearby

Safety features

  • Carbon monoxide detector not reported (host has not indicated whether there is a carbon monoxide detector on the property; consider bringing a portable detector)
  • Smoke detector not reported (host has not indicated whether there is a smoke detector on the property)
  • First aid kit
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Deadbolt lock


  • Garden
  • Soundproofing
  • Unit size: 1,173 square feet

Similar properties



Check-in time starts at 12:00 PM
Express check-in available

Special check-in instructions

You will receive an email from the host with check-in and check-out instructions
Check-out time is flexible; to make arrangements, please contact the property ahead of time using the information on the booking confirmation


Pets not allowed
Note from host: only outside the property

Children and extra beds

Children are welcome
Note from host: Threre are a baby bed and two fold beds for kids

Important information

You need to know

Extra-person charges may apply and vary depending on property policy
Government-issued photo identification and a credit card, debit card, or cash deposit may be required at check-in for incidental charges
Special requests are subject to availability upon check-in and may incur additional charges; special requests cannot be guaranteed
Onsite parties or group events are strictly prohibited
Host has not indicated whether there is a carbon monoxide detector on the property; consider bringing a portable detector with you on the trip
Host has not indicated whether there is a smoke detector on the property
Safety features at this property include a fire extinguisher, a first aid kit, and a deadbolt lock
This property is managed through our partner, Vrbo. You will receive an email from Vrbo with a link to a Vrbo account, where you can change or cancel your reservation
Property Registration Number 0413Κ91000450401

We should mention

Cash transactions at this property cannot exceed EUR 500, due to national regulations; for further details, please contact the property using information in the booking confirmation
A car is required for transportation to and from this property

Property is also known as

Villa Porto Matzavino Your Sanctuary Picturesque Greece Vonitsa
Villa Porto Matzavino Your Sanctuary Picturesque Greece
Porto Matzavino Your Sanctuary Picturesque Greece Vonitsa
Porto Matzavino Your Sanctuary Picturesque Greece
Villa Porto Matzavino Your Sanctuary in Picturesque Greece Villa
Villa Porto Matzavino Your Sanctuary in Picturesque Greece

About the neighborhood

Vonitsa, Western Greece

What's nearby

  • Paliampela Rouga - 20 min drive - 8.6 km
  • Paleros Harbour - 27 min drive - 24.5 km
  • Preveza Port - 29 min drive - 27.9 km
  • Ancient City of Paleros - 39 min drive - 23.2 km
  • Monolithi Beach - 42 min drive - 36.7 km

Getting around

  • Preveza (PVK-Aktion National) - 25 min drive


  • ‪Ο Φάρος - ‬11 min drive
  • ‪Μαρίνα - ‬11 min drive
  • ‪Mr. Mpougatsas - ‬11 min drive
  • ‪Γαρ Οίδα - ‬88 min drive
  • ‪Εν Πλω - ‬11 min drive

Frequently asked questions

Is Villa Porto Matzavino ( private villa) – Your Sanctuary in Picturesque Greece pet-friendly?

No, pets are not allowed at this property.

What time is check-in at Villa Porto Matzavino ( private villa) – Your Sanctuary in Picturesque Greece?

Check-in begins at 12:00 PM.

Where is Villa Porto Matzavino ( private villa) – Your Sanctuary in Picturesque Greece located?

This Aktio-Vonitsa villa is on the beach, steps from Ionian Sea, and within 6 mi (10 km) of Paliampela Rouga and Ambracian Gulf. Paleros Harbour and Vigla Khimadhio are also within 16 mi (25 km).

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Villa Porto Matzavino ( private villa) – Your Sanctuary in Picturesque Greece Reviews




Rating 10 - Excellent. 20 out of 23 reviews
Rating 8 - Good. 2 out of 23 reviews
Rating 6 - Okay. 1 out of 23 reviews
Rating 4 - Poor. 0 out of 23 reviews
Rating 2 - Terrible. 0 out of 23 reviews




10/10 Excellent

Thomas C.

Liked: Cleanliness, check-in, communication, location, listing accuracy
Holiday extraordinaire
Host excellent made us feel so welcome Accommodation comfortable Views priceless Peaceful and tranquil We will be back
Stayed 8 nights in Sep 2022

10/10 Excellent

Nikos D.

Liked: Cleanliness, check-in, communication, location, listing accuracy
Short break
Excelent place to enjoy your time off, with excellent facilities and marvelous surroundings. Highly recommended!
Stayed 3 nights in May 2023

10/10 Excellent


Liked: Cleanliness, check-in, communication, location, listing accuracy
Best place for families!
There is a lovely place with a beach and a beautiful garden. It’s only five minutes from Vonitsa where you can find supermarkets, shops, and Tavernas. Kiki (the owner) cooked delicious Greek food for us. We will come again soon! Thank you!
Stayed 3 nights in May 2023

10/10 Excellent

Konstantinos N.

Liked: Cleanliness, check-in, communication, location, listing accuracy
Exellent place and hospitality
This is my second time that I visit Villa Porto Matzavino. It is an exellent Villa in front of the sea with a full of flowers garden. The enviroment is calm and the sea is clean and warm. Kiki's food is tastyfull. I will try to visit villa every year
Stayed 3 nights in May 2023

10/10 Excellent

Nikos B.

Liked: Cleanliness, check-in, communication, location, listing accuracy
Villa Porto Matzavino 4 ever!!!
We had a very pleasant time during our stay. The location is excellent, next to the sea beach with excellent and safe access. The service was perfect and the villa very clean with all the amenities in operation. The landlady was very pleasant, welcoming, providing all the local information and activities of the area. We really felt like home. The price fully reflects what is published about the villa and we will be happy to come again during the summer time
Stayed 3 nights in May 2023

10/10 Excellent


Liked: Cleanliness, check-in, communication, location, listing accuracy
Lovely Villa
This is the second time than I visit Villa Port Matzavino. It is an Ideal place to go if you are looking for peace. Lovely villa with the beach at the end of the garden. 10 mins drive to Vonitsa, the nearest town. It would suit a couple, family, or group of friends. Kiki is an exceptional hostess providing advice and assistance when required. Our stay wasn’t extended enough, but I will come back in the near future for more days. Kiki, thank you for all.
Stayed 3 nights in May 2023

10/10 Excellent

Andy I.

Liked: Cleanliness, check-in, communication, location, listing accuracy
Villa Porto Matzavino - Aug 2020
If you are looking for a quiet and relaxing location, Villa Porto Matzavino is ideal. The property has fantastic facilities, and Kiki is a wonderful host, cooking a lovely meal for us on our arrival on a Sunday evening with produce from the property and fish from the local port. The semi-private beach is a few steps from the end of the large garden, with clear, warm water. We could see the fish and sea walnuts (harmless jellyfish) swimming round us. Kiki was wonderful with our children, letting them help to lay out and recover the fishing nets that are put out each night, and teaching them some Greek cooking (fish caught that morning in her nets, and Greek cakes). A car is essential in this property, as the nearest shops and tavernas are about 20 minutes drive away.
Stayed 7 nights in Jul 2020

8/10 Good

Gerhard H.

Liked: Check-in, location, listing accuracy
Paradiesische Ruhe
Die Villa liegt sehr abgeschieden, hat eigenen, von Dritten nur mässig besuchten Kiesstrand, die Ruhe ist phantastisch. Unsere Gastgeberin war ausgesprochen freundlich, aber nie aufdringlich. Die von ihr zubereiteten Mahlzeiten (Extramenus für Vegane!) waren köstlich. Preveza, Lefkada und einige schöne Strändeliegen in annehmbarer Entfernung.
Stayed 7 nights in Sep 2024

6/10 Okay

Andreas P.

Liked: Check-in, location
Disliked: Listing accuracy
Stayed 14 nights in Aug 2024

10/10 Excellent


Liked: Cleanliness, check-in, communication, location, listing accuracy
Magic holidays
We liked everything, I enjoyed every moment of my journey and I have spent each minute in the beautiful villa. The owner is such a gracious host and does everything to please you. She cooked for us, made boating for free or she did other reservations for us and give us maps and suggestions for day trips. She prepared a very tasteful meal with local shrimps and fishes. The Villa had a very beautiful garden with a lot of products, such as vegetables tomatoes, cucumber, onion, fruits, and flowers. You had the opportunity to buy olive oil, olives and wine from the owner. There were also beautiful palm trees which gives an excellent impression. The building was in front of the beach (almost 10 meters away). There was a private kiosk where a visitor could relax. Just in front of the villa, the visitors could swim in a very clear water, can go for fishing with the owner's motorboat which was free of charge and you could use the canoe just for fun, as well. The area was very safe and it is recommended for families with small children as well. The Villa is a two-level building. The first level is the living room, the dining room and the kitchen. The second level has three bathrooms. There are all big and they have very comfortable balconies with excellent view in the garden and the sea. The area inside and outside was very clear. Everything was in order and ready to use. The price was very reasonable and for sure we will come back in the near future. We strongly recommend Villa Porto Matzavino for vacation and relax.
Stayed 3 nights in Feb 2020

10/10 Excellent

Eva F.

Liked: Cleanliness, check-in, communication, location, listing accuracy
Charming villa in beautiful, rural environment near the sea
A very charming villa in beautiful in rural environment near the sea. The villa has a large common terraces as well as large balconies to each bedroom. The private beach was very nice and quiet. Kiki is very hospitable and offers fantastic Greek meals upon requests. Our family had a fantastic week. Highly recommended!

10/10 Excellent

geoffrey m., Lafayette, ca USA

Liked: Cleanliness, check-in, communication, location, listing accuracy
A true Greek sea and countryside experience for families!
Coming to Porto Matzavino, we felt we had arrived at our favorite Greek aunt's home on the sea. Kiki is such a gracious host and does everything to please you. She will cook for you, make boating or other reservations for you and give you maps and suggestions for day trips. We were a party of six: 4 adults and a 2 and 7 year old; so the 3 bedrooms worked perfectly for us. Each bedroom has its own balcony, 2 of the rooms have twin beds and one has a queen bed. The twin rooms are smallish while the queen is large and has its own en-suite while the other 2 share the upper bathroom. The house also has a large covered veranda off of the main living area that overlooks the lawn, trees and rose lined stone pathway to the sea gate which opens directly onto the beach and lovely calm, warm water bay. Great for families!! We spent a lot of time enjoying the beach and easy access to house for naps and snacks. The location demands a car as you are surrounded by nothing but lovely green hills, and little olive groves and farms, and Porto Matzavino consists of about 12 very small fishing boats tied to a small jetty that you can easily walk to. You can also explore the coast with the house kayak, Our grandson says not to forget the kitties! And the wonderful veggie garden for farm to table freshness! All in all we all felt it was a unique and very fun family experience.
Stayed 7 nights in Jun 2019

10/10 Excellent

Γιώργος Κ.

Villa Porto Matzavino is great. The surrounding area is peaceful. In only 3-4 km is Vonitsa where you can buy fresh vegetables, fishes etc. In Vonitsa you can eat, drink coffees just in front of the sea. There are banks, service stations, health center, police station etc. Vonitsa is a very beautiful town with an impressive castle. Villa Porto Matzavino has a beautiful garden between the building and the sea shore. The visitors are able to buy olive oil, olive and wine from the owner. All the above products came from the Villa garden. There are beautiful palm trees just before the seashore which gives an excellent impression. The building is just in front of the sea (almost 10 meters) where the visitors can swim. The waters was clean. There was a private kiosk just for the visitors of the Villa. There you can relax after the swimming. Visitors can go for fishing with a motorboat which is free and use the canoe just for fun. During in our visit we saw dolphins. The area is recommended for families with small children. The owner was extremely friendly. She prepare for us a very tasteful meal with local shrimps and fishes. Shrimps and fishes same from Ambracian gulf which is famous for those. The building was very clean. The rooms were comfort and clean. Everything was in order and ready to use. The Villa is a two level building. The first level is the living room, the dining room and the kitchen. The second level there were three rooms. Villa has three bathrooms. There are big and very comfortable balconies with excellent view in the garden and the sea. There was a fire place and heating and therefore Villa Porto Matzavino is a very good destination for the winter also. We feel like our homes. We feel very comfortable and we consider the owner as a part of us. The owner was polite and educated. The rent was reasonable and will came back in the near future for our summer vacations. We strongly recommend Villa Porto Matzavino for summer and for autumn vacation and relax.

10/10 Excellent


Great place in front of the sea
We relaxed and really enjoyed every moment of our stay! Great environment and a beautiful sea. The hostess was friendly and served us fresh and tasty products, always with a smile. Both my wife and i suggest this place!
Stayed 2 nights in May 2018

10/10 Excellent

Konstantinos N.

The best experience ever!
We spent in Villa Porto Matzavino from 26-29 May . I am medical doctor and I am traveling a lot. I decided to spend some days in my country and I had great time in Villa. The reality is much better than the pictures. Every detail inside villa or in the garden were full of excellent taste. Villa has three comfortable bedrooms, a wonderful living room, and a very nice kitchen that includes everything that a home needs. We had also the opportunity to cook and to use the barbecue. The house was very clean and pleased and all the rooms have a wonderful view of the sea and the garden. Villa has an excellent garden with local products and the client can also buy oil, olive and wine from Kiki the owner. The coast is just in front of the villa. The swimming was enjoyable, safe and the water was very clean. The coast line was terrific and safe. For free was a motorboat which I use it for fishing. The sea was full of fishes. The Ambracian Gulf is famous for the tasteful shrimps and fishes. There was a private kiosk that we had relax after the swimming. Kiki the owner offer us olives and wine that were delicious. In the first day Kiki cooked for us Greek amazing traditional food that was also delicious. Kiki which has been very helpful treated us with great care and hospitality. Amazing location in terms of privacy and relax as well as visiting nearby villages. I strongly recommended. I will definitely be back very soon.
This review was submitted before 2018 and has not been verified.

10/10 Excellent

Angelo Z.

Secluded and intimate Villa on the beach with country side on the back.
Great holiday with my family. Had an amazing time at the villa. Everything for your relax at hand! From fishing with motorboat (included) to just bathing or chilling in the garden. Amazing views from the veranda on the upper flat where we used to taste wine and olive from Kiki the owner which has been very helpful treated us with great care and hospitality. Amazing location in terms of privacy and relax as well as visiting nearby villages.
Stayed 9 nights in Aug 2017
This review was submitted before 2018 and has not been verified.

10/10 Excellent

Eran N.

Very good
We spend excellent time at the villa with our four kids. The cost line was terrific for our kids and the villa was very comfortable. Kiki, the owner, was welcoming and charming! Most recommended!!!
Stayed 5 nights in May 2017
This review was submitted before 2018 and has not been verified.

8/10 Good

Matthew C.

A great place to escape from it all
We spent two weeks at Porto Matzavino: us, kids and visiting grandma's. The villa is set in a small picturesque secluded bay off the coast road that you rarely share with more than a few locals. The villa itself is spacious and pleasantly simple and is well run by the owner Kiki. She will offer you local tips on where to go and what's going on and is charming. Ten minutes drive away is Vonitsa which is good for provisions and an evening drink on the harbour. Twenty minutes away is Lefkafa which is more charming and offers a decent range of restaurants and bars and a splash of nightlife if you fancy.
This review was submitted before 2018 and has not been verified.

10/10 Excellent

Evangeli S.

Wonderful Greek getaway holidays
Spent 5 nights here in the exceptional care of Vasiliki, what a wonderful getaway at the end of the summer season. From the initial email of enquiry to our last transfer to the port courtesy of the owner we were treated like special friends. The three bedroom villa was spotless comfortable & cool in its furnishings.The position of the villa gives it stunning views over the beach & sea, & we were lucky enough to have clear starry nights. You can find anything you need, nearby at Vonitsa and our rotation cooking system between girls didnt bother our relaxing swimming time.All you need is your car to visit all the places nearby, Lefkada, Preveza and of course ancient Nikopolis.Strongly recommended for families or groups of couples. All in all a lovely gem on west Greece which we would love to return to. Thank you Porto Matzavino. Stayed September 2015.
This review was submitted before 2018 and has not been verified.

10/10 Excellent

olga m.

We stayed this August at “Porto Matzavino” We like absolutely everything!!! The clean villa and the great view is marvelous and the private beach is a great pleasure. You can see the photos and the reality is exactly the same. The garden, is a true paradise We cross the crystal clear waters with the canoe and the fishing boat and we loved it. The hospitality are great and you can visit lots of places restorants and beaches around in Lefkada, Preveza etc. I recommend the place highly for couples and families!!!
This review was submitted before 2018 and has not been verified.

10/10 Excellent

alex E.

Our holdays at Porto Mantzavino
We stayed in Villa Porto Mantzavino for two weeks in May 2013 and had fantastic time. The house and the surroundings completely fulfilled our expectations. We are definitely thinking to return to this place sometimes in the future. More detailed review can be found bellow. House Villa Porto Mantzavino well suited for families with two children. It is equipped with all necessary appliances and offers a very comfortable accommodation. There is a plenty of space to park your car and even a barbeque can be found at the back of the house. The house was cleaned upon our arrival and fresh towels and bed linens were provided every four days . Location: The best point of this villa is probably its location. Just ifront of the sea there is a nice (almost private) pebble beach with crystal clear waters where you can swimm any time of the day. Very short distance from the Villa you will find excellent restaurants. The service is really friendly and you will find fresh fish and other local specialities every day near by ,or you can arrange with the owner a lunch when ever you need , this is extra. Strongly recommended. If you are looking for a Greek night, then we would advise you to go for a dinner to the island of Lefkada or Preveza (15 minutes by car). Take your time, enjoy slightly shorter distance Vonitsa( 5 minutes drive) or traditinal village Monastiraki . Archeological sites nearby we recomend AKTIO (Antonios& Kleopatra) or old town Nickopolis.
This review was submitted before 2018 and has not been verified.

10/10 Excellent

Lilias M.

Amazing Location on the Beach - Pure Paradise
A fantastic property for a peaceful relaxing holiday. Fishing, reading, eating gorgeous freshly caught fish. What can i say. This is a rare gem, the epitome of true Greece! We will definitely be back in 2014.
This review was submitted before 2018 and has not been verified.

10/10 Excellent

Menelaus M.

A Beautiful Family Holiday Right by the Sea
Porto Matzavino is the most lovely Greek holiday home we have come across in our 20 years of travelling to Greece for holidays. The property is immaculately clean and well maintained and the owner visited us and pointed us in the right direction of some fantastic beachfront tavernas and lovely hidden away spots for swimming and days out. Located completely on its own with a lovely empty beach at the foot of the garden we didn't venture out too often as we had everything we needed right there at the house. The vegetable garden at the back of the house is amazing and it was such a pleasure to cut a couple of tomatoes each day and prepare the all essential Greek salad for lunch! The little boat was delightful to use to pop round to other bays and our boys had a day out fishing for shrimps too. They came back empty handed but it didn't matter as the locals visit the bay and you can buy fresh prawns and shrimps straight from them and put them directly onto the BBQ for your evening meal. A truly lovely property. We just loved the simplicity, relaxation, away from it all feeling that permeates the place. We would definitely recommend this for couples or a family for a gorgeous Greek holiday.