We have been staying at the Bayshore for over 30 years. It is our “Zen” place, usually in the off season in late fall and spring when TC is in a more quiet mode. We have never been unhappy w/our usual bayfront room, the facility itself or the staff. Thumbs up times ten.
Our only complaint is not w/Bayshore but on some occasions, while eating the courtesy breakfast in the small “breakfast room”….some guests are quite loud. It is morning! And…..converse loudly in a group or feel compelled to converse w/others, several tables away, so the whole room can hear the conversation. Again, not the hotel’s fault…simply the cluelessness of some people. I noticed today that several people took their trays to areas of seating outside the breakfast room. We should have followed suit….but you think the conversation will end. It didn’t…on and on…
Oh, and the woman, who was party to the loud, long conversation w/a man, about rehabbing kitchens…across the room, gladly helped herself, (after eating breakfast), w/stacks of yogurt and an ample supply of bananas. Was she feeding TC homeless? Really! You have no shame?