The Farm is 800m from the center of Torrinha and 13Km (10 minutes) from the town of Brotas, at Rua João Colussi, s / n ° - Chácara do Bonfin. The region is known for its beautiful waterfalls (one 4km from the farm), extreme sports, ecotourism, very pure air and stunning landscapes.
Accommodation for 28 people.
A 250 km from São Paulo-SP.
Internal environment:
7 Bedrooms and 5 suites;
Room with 3 environments: TV, fireplace and dinner;
Pantry and kitchen with oven and stove firewood.
External environment:
Multisport sand court;
Football Field with Lighting and Cloakroom;
Pool, with churasqueira and pizza oven;
Party Hall for 350 people (can increase to 600 people) with churasqueira and oven of pizza, WC Masculine and Feminine;
Cooper track;
Accommodation with accommodation for 8 people;
For more photos enter our albums on facebook: https: // www. Facebook. Com / chacara. Dobonfim