If your idea of "rustic" includes battling ants in the kitchen, inadequate air conditioning, cobwebs, bugs throughout, and most importantly, the smell of raw sewage, then this is the place you are looking for. As soon as we started unpacking in the kitchen, we noticed hundreds of ants. The cleaners had just left the house as we actually talked to them as they were leaving, but live and dead bugs were everywhere. We contacted the owner immediately. Here is the direct quote he gave us, "I recommend going and buying ant traps." For the rest of the stay, all groceries were left in the refrigerator to deal with the ants. On the second day, we noticed the smell of sewer. It got worse every day, especially early in the morning with everyone showering etc. We left a voice mail and the response was by txt several hours later, telling us to " buy some septic tank stuff or I can have my guy come by." Another day later, he came by. The smell was unbearable. He immediately said the tank needed to be pumped. No news to us. We left a day and a half early, not knowing if it would get pumped, because the smell had become just to much for everyone to take. Not sure if it ever got pumped. The pics give the impression that its kinda out on its own. It is not. Neighbors are within a stones throw. And they are very unfriendly. The swimming area is not easy to access for young kids as it is steep. It also has a lot of trash around it. The house house has not been kept up. Windows are rotting and wont close, some have been replaced with cardboard, ceilings need to be repaired from leaks, foam has been used to seal holes in the interior, curtains are hung up by tacks, couple stairs sag when you walk on them, a blown outlet with visible flame damage in the basement, just to mention a few things. 4 TVs, but no cable or antennas. There are 5 beds in this house. That doesnt hold 15+ ppl as the add suggests. If you used the pee stained blow up bed that we saw in the closet, it could be 6 beds. There are not enough dishes to make dinner for that many people either. There is only 1 hot water tank. There were 2 at one time, but the owner must have decided it wasnt worth replacing like many other things in the house. Showers for 10 ppl ran the tank out. AC in upstairs doesnt handle the sq.footage. Its hot. The original ac has been replaced with a window unit. Also no cell reception unless AT&T. Which we were unaware of until after arrival. Also no land line for emergencies.