4/10 Poor
3 November 2018
Liked: Property conditions & facilities
Disliked: Staff & service
the bad memory 2 than the good one...좋은기억보단 나쁜기억2
호텔이라기보단 1.2층으로된 민박집수준. 관리는 그럭저럭되어서 깨끗한 편이지만 화장실사용후 변기배관에서 올라오는 냄세가 많이남. 작은공간에 날마다 바뀌는 프론트 여자 3명직원중 2명의 특유의 무뚝뚝함이 불편함 수준. 다만 아침밥 아줌마의 친절함이 좋았다. 문제는 이호텔 6박중 4박 1박 1박을 이용했는데 마지막 1박을 지방3박후 다시1박중 맡긴물건이 없어짐.호텔스이용을 100박 가까이 하면서 프론트에 맡긴 물건이(컵라면) 없어지는 경우는 처음이라 황당했고. 마지막날 화장실과 침대아래에서 보여진 벼룩인지 바퀴인지는 모르겠지만 4-5마리의 벌레에 지금도 오싹하다.
While we had stayed at this hotel, the hotel front desk staffs were not so kind than we expected. and the last day when we had been there..we were so surprised to see a few insects on the floor of the room. maybe it must be fleas..terrible!!! how could it be? I really did not understand it. it was the first time for me to see such a thing!! And while we had traveled many places in Georgia, they kept our baggages till we got back and checked in. once we lost a few things...though we did not tell them this bad thing.., we felt so bad and angry though it was not so valuable...but the aunt who prepared for our breakfast was so kind. I thanked to her so much while we had stayed there. anyway I think this hotel is not so good to stay. I will never recommend this hotel to anyone and never stay again.
Stayed 4 nights in Oct 2018