Cockatoo is an incredible social and industrial heritage site with an unbeatable vista from inside Sydney Harbour. It is great that these permanent tents are available to hire. However, the very minimal staffing is problematic, and the fact that the two cafes shut to the public so early (right on 6 and categorical, churlish refusal to even sell ready made ice creams when the shutters were still up, just seems illogical and pointlessly inconvenient for the campers. Also there was a huge mob of 10-12 ish aged boys running riot in the campsite, shouting at the tops of their voices from our arrival at just before 6 and probably before to past 11, also throwing stones at nesting seagulls and masked lapwings, and running them down with their bikes, throwing stones at a big metal bin to make a horrible noise, playing with electric noise making ray gun things at 11 at night - and although the ranger was alerted to the murder of native wildlife, he did nothing about it, the boys were doing the same literally as he was walking off. My animal loving 9 yr old was very distressed by finding crushed baby birds.There were not even any signs about respecting other campers or being quiet after a certain time. SO that really spoiled the stay. However, it is a special place, the amentities are good and clean (although there should be more toilets for the amount of tents), and the ferry transport is easy and fun. (although it's annoying that the F3 ferry doesn't stop there after a bit past 4pm.