The cottage seemed comfortable, and the owners seemed nice, and the surrounding area is great. But, when we rented the cottage for a month, the owner told me the outside was scheduled to be painted while we were there. Painting would have been fine, however what the owner failed to mention was the cottage was to be going through major exterior repairs including the cedar planks being removed from the structure with power tools 5 days a week, and old paint being removed with SMOKE! They dismantled the smoke detectors in the cottage for the entire month we were there, due to the vast amount of smoke filling the cottage on a daily basis. We finally said they needed to stop the smoke after paying the full balance of the monthly rent (we had nowhere else to go).
Again, everyone seemed nice, but the power tools, the noise, the construction materials, and smoke, including the interior smoke detectors being dismantled in an 1812 structure, should have been disclosed upfront.