I had stayed in this property 3 years in a row what I didn’t know is that it was a new owner who obviously doesn’t know how to do business. I rented the property for a weekend and on Sunday at 9pm (hardly a time to reach a customer) received a very rude text from the owner stating how awful I’d left the property, she even said that the police was called because of a “party” that was happening in her property, again she wasn’t asking but accusing. Number 1 there was no party, no loud music or screaming but she was just assuming by the empty beers in the trash which by the way she felt for some reason I needed to explain to her, a sadly mistake on her part, she also said that I had air mattress and that meant that other people stayed, I had none so I don’t even know where she got that from. I left the property neatly organized and clean and I’ve pictures and video to prove it, I do that as I leave just in case I’m dealing with an idiot like this lady. She obviously needs some kind of guidance as to how to treat the customers that provides her income if she want to succeed in that business and as for me, I’ll rent that property just one more time, will throw the biggest party ever and leave the mess behind so she understand the difference between a good customer who shows respect and one who doesn’t. Don’t worry my name won’t be there, so she doesn’t get alerted but once I leave, trust me, she will know it was me. Good luck!