The Studio is a 2-person oasis in an adorable neighborhood with a babbling brook, where you can rest in quiet and watch the turkeys, deer, ducks, and squirrels. Alex (Sprout), a star of Building Outside the Lines and Cappie’s stepdaughter, redesigned the interior of the space. She has provided outdoor seating nearby under the trees, next to the brook that runs in the summer.
The Studio is located in the sideyard of an historic home in a residential area on the edge of Spearfish. It originally was the servants’ quarters, but was mostly used as a henhouse for much of the 1900s. In 2015, it was renovated as an office space. Then Alex remodeled it yet again for a vacation rental.
The family in the home enter and exit from the other side of the house (including the garage), so you will have utmost privacy.