I loved the property, what I have a problem with is the fact that Expedia wouldn't add some facts about the amenities to the actual website. There is a pool but it is seasonal. On the website there are 2 pools mentioned but in actuality there is only one. I asked Expedia to change that on their site as I only rented the space because I needed to be able to swim everyday. When I spoke with someone at Expedia, multiple people, they all played me for stupid and kept saying very rude and derogatory excuses. Basically, MiCampus was very communicative about the fact that they have told Expedia many times about the schedule for when the pool is open, but it seems Expedia is into falsely advertising that there are 2 pools that you can use, when all actuality there is none until May, when they open. BAD JOB EXPEDIA> POOR CUSTOMER SERVICE and just take my money. I literally only rented the space for the pool. BOO!