Detached Studio above garage with all new furnishings and appliances right on the edge of town with mountain views from every window. Complete, well equipped full kitchen.
6 block walk to town to vibrant culinary, artistic experiences, and shopping (full service grocery store, liquor store, mountain bike rentals/outdoor gear and apparel shop) and free concerts, summer time Friday farmers markets in the park. 2 blocks to access Uncompahgre River Park trail system with paved and single track access to Ridgway State Park.
Serves as a great basecamp location for adventures to Million Dollar Highway, Ouray (11 miles), Orvis Hot Springs, (5 miles), Telluride (39 miles), and San Juan Mountains, which tower over the sunny Ridgway Valley. Convenient access to everything.
The Town of Montrose is 30 minutes with a commercial airport, Walmart, City Market/Kroger, Safeway, and even a Target.