Valley View Lodge is located in beautiful Western Kentucky in prime deer hunting country. However, this cabin was not built for roughing it. It has 2 flat screen tvs, a gas fireplace, a completely equipped electric kitchen, washer, dryer, and a central heat/ac system. There is a large double size garage for storage of vehicles or any other outdoor gear you want to bring. We now have a small lake a stone's throw away from the covered front porch. It is private, yet located just off a state highway and 5 minutes from Providence, KY, the nearest town. It is 25 minutes from Marion, KY, Madisonville, KY and a 20 minute drive to Sturgis, KY home of the West Kentucky bike rally held every July. Also, Lake Barkley and Kentucky Lake are a 45 minute car trip away. Closer to home, there is a boat launching ramp on the Tradewater River, a mere 1/4 mile away. Bring your canoe or kayak! Also, the cabin is located within a 20 minute drive of a large Amish community where you can visit the various artisans and roadside markets.
There are two bedrooms. The Master bedroom has a queen size bed. The second bedroom has a full over full bunk bed and a twin size trundle bed in it. There is also a full size sleeper sofa in the living room. The bathroom has a tub/shower combo. There is a covered front porch complete with swing and rockers for relaxing and a shaded back yard next to woods. A small lake was recently added with a small wooden dock.