First what I will remember about this house is spacious. Spacious inside – three large bedrooms, kitchen, 4 meters long dinner table in the living room are making the real atmosphere of the typical toscany house – exactly what every tourist needs. Big outside territories – garden, forest, where you can walk (attention – there are live deer!) The house is very well located – we had driven at Siena, Grosseto, Pitigliano, Volterra, Lucca and to the seaside. Of course you need a car to get around.
But the second memory about accommodation is COLD. We had got bad luck, the temperature outside was 5 degrees during our holidays (21-28 of March!). Inside wasn’t hotter. Two big fireplaces, additional heaters weren’t managed to warm such a big house. Thanks to owners we could sleep in warm – there were a lot of blankets. I think that for comfortable conditions inside, the temperature outside must be higher then 15 degrees.
Nevertheless after a few days past the holidays, the memory of cold have gone, but the joy of vacations remained. So I mark this apartment as very good.