Old Mine Cottage is outfitted with quite a few amenities that will make your stay very enjoyable! A 5 person hot tub is always a hit with younger and older guests alike, and for a perfectly relaxing experience, the outdoor fire pit is a great place to unwind after a day of sightseeing, golfing, or however you choose to spend your time in Luray! The kitchen is beautifully designed and comes complete with every appliance needed, including a dishwasher. There is a washer and dryer on site as well for those who wish to use them. Every few hours the train comes through, and the property is just the right distance from the tracks for it to be charming. There is a brand new TV in the living room, with a DirecTV package, and a DVD player. The inside of the cottage has a very rustic feel to it. Everything is completely new, but was carefully crafted to feel very comfortable and unique. The property sits at a convenient location to get to, with only a 10 minute drive to nearly everything you could need to do.