All very excellent. But at breakfast pne of toasters not working, staff told me to use other one as 'it works', so waited 2 mins for tiast that did not toast, whikst staff fully aware of its malfunctioning. Not rotation of cooked breakfast enough so not so popular items ie mushrooms left a big pile of cold rubbery ones.
Staff failed to explain key card needs taking out when entering room and as did not know had yo go back down to reception, with heavy bags and child again as I thouhht card had not been activated.I had not used one before, but there ard others like me. When I asked stFf if room card was activated yet , the girlbehind desk was very affronted and was sighing as I explained I could not getin. She then raised her voice go talk me through how to get in as though she thought i was either deaf or an imbecille