La Libertad Region

Popular cities in La Libertad Region
Known for Historical, Surfing and Ruins
Quaint Trujillo awaits: its ruins, UNESCO site, fishing, and more!
Reasons to visit
- Trujillo Plaza de Armas
- Trujillo Cathedral
Known for Surfing, Boating and UNESCO site
Get away to quaint Huanchaco! Enjoy the surfing, UNESCO site, and culture.
Reasons to visit
- Chan Chan Archaeological Zone
Magdalena de Cao
Check out the local area in Magdalena de Cao—home to attractions like El Brujo Archaeological Complex and Huaca Prieta.
Reasons to visit
- El Brujo Archaeological Complex
Check out the local area in Rázuri—home to attractions like Muelle de Malabrigo and Puerto Malabrigo Square.
Víctor Larco Herrera
Head to sights like Caballos Peruanos de Paso y Marinera and Huacas del Sol y de la Luna as you discover Víctor Larco Herrera.
AgallpampaAngasmarcaAscopeBambamarcaBolívarBuldibuyoCachicadánCalamarcaCarabambaCasa GrandeCascasChaoCharatChepénChicamaChicamaChilliaChocopeChugayCochorcoCondormarcaCurgosEl PorvenirFlorencia de MoraGuadalupeGuadalupitoHuamachucoHuancaspataHuanchacoHuaranchalHuasoHuaylillasHuayoHuayocariJequetepequeJulcánLa ArenitaLa CuestaLa EsperanzaLa Perla de MacabíLaredoLarreaLongoteaLucmaMacabí AltoMacheMagdalena de CaoMarcabalMarmotMocheMollebambaMollepataOngónOtuzcoPacangaPacasmayoPaijánParandayParcoyPatazPorotoPueblo NuevoPuerto ChicamaPuémapePíasQuiruvilcaRázuriSalaverrySalpoSan JoséSan JoséSan Pedro de LlocSanagoránSanta Cruz de ChucaSantiago de CaoSantiago de ChallasSantiago de ChucoSartimbambaSarínSayapulloSimbalSinsicapSitabambaTaurijaTayabambaTrujilloUchumarcaUcunchaUrpayUsquilVirúVíctor Larco Herrera