While visiting Gelsenkirchen-Mitte, you might make a stop by sights like ZOOM Erlebniswelt and Nordsternpark.
The live music and zoo are a few reasons travelers visit Schalke. Want to see more of the surrounding area? ZOOM Erlebniswelt and Veltins-Arena are a few top sights nearby.
The restaurants and sporting events make Erle worth a stop. Make a stop by Veltins-Arena, and jump on the metro at VELTINS-Arena Station to get around the area.
When in Gelsenkirchen-Nord and the surrounding area, you'll want to check out sights like Veltins-Arena or Movie Park Germany and hop on the metro to see more the city at Gelsenkirchen Buer Nord S-Bahn or Gelsenkirchen Hassel S-Bahn.
While you're in Gelsenkirchen-West, take in top sights like Golf Club Schloss Horst or Nordsternpark, and hop on the metro to see more the city at Buerer Strasse U-Bahn or Schloss Horst U-Bahn.