All designed with beautiful Montana wood work. This apartment is located next to our Log built restaurant (Cowboy’s Grille). Company name - (Cowboy’s Lodge and Grille)
We are listing for the first time ever on VRBO. If you would like to see reviews for our property, just google our name and city. You will see many pleased customers who have been staying with the company over the years.
This unit is our largest and features 3 separate bedrooms, a full kitchen and an island style table. It also features a full living room and bathroom.
You are within immediate walking distance to everything in downtown Gardiner. You are less than one minute (by car) to the entrance to Yellowstone Park.
Each bed has custom designed bedding and pillows, this unit has a 6 foot tall teddy bear sitting and waiting for you.
We have heating and air conditioning. Everything was built in 2009 so this is one of the newer properties in this area.
Our property sits right next to the Yellowstone River. If you don’t feel like walking far (or driving) for drinks, activities and or dinner, this is the perfect place for you.
We look forward to hosting you!