The bed was absolutely horrendous!! I went here on vacation to visit family, and every single night of sleep increased the amount of pain in my body.
I woke up every single morning feeling as though I had been sleeping on the bedrock provided in the the guest room at the Flintstones' residence. Bedrock isn't a bed, despite its name and this hotel could learn from this fact.
The pain was so intense that on the last night, I ponied up another 200 bucks (losing the money spent on my last night at this establishment) in order to stay somewhere else. The fact that I was willing to pay for a new room at another hotel, only to avoid the pain that I knew would increase upon awakening on the bare box spring that this place called a bed speaks volumes.
Please exchange these slabs of granite for actual mattresses. Not only for the guests' comfort, but also to prevent the staff from hearing what I can only imagine is a barrage of comments regarding the horrid sleeping conditions of a place that is designed for sleep.
After getting home, I spent an entire week in bed unable to move because of back spasms (which I've never had before). I was told by family and friends to go to the ER, but I didn't because I am stubborn, young, fit, and had some time off to recover. I can only imagine if I were older, overweight, or had back issues that existed prior to my stay.