Entire home

Villa Anna • a slice of heaven

Photo gallery for Villa Anna • a slice of heaven

Beach/ocean view
Outdoor pool
Fridge, microwave, oven, stovetop


10 out of 10

Entire home

4 bedrooms5 bathroomsSleeps 9250 sq m

Popular amenities

  • Beach view
  • Parking available
  • Pool
  • Washer
  • Barbecue grill
  • Air conditioning

About this property

Entire place

You'll have the entire home to yourself and will only share it with other guests in your party.

Villa Anna • a slice of heaven

Η βίλα Άννα δημιούργηθηκε από τον κύριο Μανώλη και την κυρία Άννα, το 2004 με σκοπό να φιλοξενήσει τις διακοπές εκείνων και των παιδιών τους, Ελευθερίας και Αλεξάνδρας. Καθώς τα παιδιά μεγάλωσαν, ο κύριος Μανώλης, λάτρης της φιλοξενίας, αποφάσισε το 2012 να ανοίξει το σπίτι στο ευρύ κοινό και να μοιραστεί μαζί του τη μαγεία της διαμονής στον χώρο του.
Το τριώροφο οίκημα των 250 τ.μ. βρίσκεται στην περιοχή του Αγίου Αιμιλιανού και η γεωγραφική του θέση προσφέρει μια μοναδική θέα 360 μοιρών, όπως το νησί των Σπετσών, την Ερμιόνη και την Ύδρα. Μπαίνοντας στη βίλα Άννα, θα αισθανθείτε σίγουρα τη ζεστασιά και τη θαλπωρή που μπορεί να σας προσφέρει το συγκεκριμένο σπίτι.
Στο ισόγειο θα βρείτε το σαλόνι, την κουζίνα και την εσωτερική τραπεζαρία. Το σπίτι διαθέτει και τζάκι καθώς δύναται να ενοικιαστεί και την περίοδο του χειμώνα. Η κουζίνα είναι πλήρως εξοπλισμένη για την προετοιμασία όλων των γευμάτων και όπως είναι φυσικό η οικογένεια έχει φροντίσει να παρέχει σερβίτσια για εσάς και τους καλεσμένους σας έτσι ώστε να αισθανθείτε σαν στο σπίτι σας.
Βγαίνοντας στο μπαλκόνι, η θέα προς τις Σπέτσες θα σας συνεπάρει. Μπορείτε να απολαύσετε τα γεύματά σας στην εξωτερική τραπεζαρία και ένα χαλαρό ποτό στο καθιστικό που βρίσκεται στο μπαλκόνι.
Η κεντρική κρεβατοκάμαρα, βρίσκεται στο ισόγειο και διαθέτει δικό της μπάνιο (μπανιέρα) καθώς και ντουλάπες για την τοποθέτηση των πραγμάτων σας. Ξαπλώστε στο κρεβάτι, ανοίχτε τη μπαλκονόπορτα και απολαύστε τη μοναδική θέα της θάλασσας.
Κάθε μία από τις τρεις κρεβατοκάμαρες του 1ου ορόφου από αυτές διαθέτουν δικό τους ιδιωτικό μπάνιο με ντουσιέρα. Οι δυο κρεβατοκάμαρες διαθέτουν διπλό κρεβάτι κι ακόμη υπάρχει ένα δωμάτιο με άνετη κουκέτα, το οποίο χωράει έως και 3 άτομα. Με "ζεστό" εσωτερικό σχεδιασμό,κεντρική θέρμανση και air-condition σε όλα τα υπνοδωμάτια.

Δε μπορείτε να φανταστείτε την εκπληκτική αίσθηση του "άπειρου" που σας προσφέρει η πισίνα (4mx12,50m), όταν ξυπνάτε το πρωί ή χαλαρώνετε το βράδυ.

Οι αριστοτεχνικά διαμορφωμένοι κήποι , το ήπιο κλίμα της περιοχής και οι σαγηνευτικές απόψεις την καθιστούν ιδανική για διακοπές όλο το χρόνο.
Στον ίδιο όροφο θα βρείτε και το playroom του σπίτιου για ξεγνοιαστες στιγμές παιχνιδιού για όλες τις ηλικίες. Ο χώρος διαθέτει, επιτραπέζιο ποδοσφαιράκι, τραπέζι του πινγκ πονγκ και air hokey.
Στους εξωτερικούς χώρους δε θα πρέπει να παραλείψουμε το χώρο της πισίνας για δροσερές καλοκαιρινές στιγμές. Θα βρείτε έξι αναπαυτικές ξαπλώστρες για χαλαρές στιγμές με τη παρέα ή την οικογένεια σας καθώς και ένα χώρο που μοιάζει με μπαρ για να εξασκηθήσετε τις ικανότητες σας στα κοκτειλ. Στον ίδιο χώρο βρίσκεται και το χτιστό μπάρμπεκιου.
Το σπίτι είναι χτισμένο με σκοπό να φιλοξένησει παρέα φίλων ή οικογένειες με σκοπό την άνεση τους. Για τις οικογένειες, δε θα μπορούσε να λείπει το κύριο χαρακτηριστικό που θα ευχαριστούσε τα παιδιά. Η παιδική χαρά βρίσκεται στον ίδιο όροφο με αυτόν της πισίνας και διαθέτει ένα μικρό καστράκι αλλά και ένα τραμπολίνο για διασκεδαστικές στιγμές.
Πληροφορίες για την Βίλα: Η πισίνα είναι 4,00Χ12,50μ (μέγιστο βάθος 2,60μ) με εξωτερικό ντουζ . Στους κήπους μπορείτε να κάνετε ηλιοθεραπεία ή να χαλαρώσετε. Η Villa "Anna" διαθέτει πλήρως εξοπλισμένο BBQ,εξωτερικό μπαρ δίπλα στην πισίνα, playroom καθώς και εξωτερική παιδική χαρά.

Παραλία και Ακτή: Υπάρχει μια επιλογή από παραλίες (αμμώδης, λευκή άμμος και βότσαλο) γύρω από την περιοχή. Η κοντινότερη παραλία είναι 500μ. Το αεροδρόμιο στο Πόρτο Χέλι είναι περίπου 3 ώρες με το αυτοκίνητο. Το λιμάνι του Πειραιά στο Πόρτο Χέλι απέχει 2,5 ώρες (με υδροπτέρυγα). Το κέντρο του Πόρτο Χέλι απέχει μόλις 8χλμ. Από τις βίλες ή 10 λεπτά με το αυτοκίνητο. Το μικρό λιμάνι της Costa είναι κοντά και μόλις 5 λεπτά με ταξί από το νησί των Σπετσών. Το Κρανίδι απέχει 10χλμ. Τα κοντινά ψαροχώρια Κιάλα (13χλμ.) Και Ερμιόνη (17χλμ., Αγορά την Πέμπτη) αξίζει να επισκεφθείτε. Έχουν μια σειρά από παραθαλάσσια ταβερνάκια, πολλά που ειδικεύονται στα τοπικά θαλασσινά. Το καλοκαίρι οι θεατρικές παραστάσεις της Επιδαύρου (50 χιλιόμετρα) πραγματοποιούνται ακόμα. Το Ναύπλιο, η πρώτη πρωτεύουσα της Ελλάδας, απέχει 85 χιλιόμετρα, με θαυμάσια βενετσιάνικη και τουρκική αρχιτεκτονική και έχει πολλές ενδιαφέρουσες καφετέριες και καταστήματα για να εξερευνήσετε. Μυκήνες (70χλμ.), Το παλάτι του Αγαμέμνονα. Η ακτογραμμή στην περιοχή είναι ιδανική για κολύμβηση με αναπνευστήρα και καταδύσεις με πολυάριθμους κόλπους και ιδιωτικές παραλίες.

Τόποι που μπορείτε να επισκεφθείτε: Κάθε περιοχή γύρω από το Πόρτο Χέλι έχει το δικό της ιδιαίτερο χαρακτήρα και οι περισσότεροι άνθρωποι θέλουν να κάνουν κάποια εξερεύνηση όταν είναι σε διακοπές. Το θαλάσσιο σκι, τα θαλάσσια σπορ, διατίθενται σε παραθαλάσσια θέρετρα. Αν θέλετε να μείνετε κοντά στη θάλασσα, υπάρχει μια αφθονία νησιών για να επισκεφθείτε. Μπορείτε να ξεκινήσετε με το δημοφιλές ασβεστωμένο νησί των Σπετσών, 10 λεπτά με το μικρό ταξί ή το θαλάσσιο ταξί από την Costa. Ακολούθησε επίσκεψη στην Ύδρα, έναν παράδεισο ελεύθερο από την κυκλοφορία καλλιτέχνη, ή οδηγεί μέχρι την ακτή μέσω των λεμονιών μέχρι τον Πόρο. Η ενδιαφέρουσα πόλη με τα τείχη της Μονεμβασιάς, αν και δεν είναι αυστηρά νησί, αξίζει μια επίσκεψη. Έρχεται μετά από ένα ήρεμο ταξίδι 3 ωρών με εκδρομικό σκάφος κατά μήκος της ακτής της Πελοποννήσου. Είναι απαραίτητο να επισκεφθείτε την εσωτερική Πελοπόννησο. Έχει μια μυστικιστική ομορφιά που τονίζεται από το συνεχώς μεταβαλλόμενο φως και τα χρώματα στα βουνά και γύρω από τις αρχαίες τοποθεσίες. Η περιοχή είναι εύκολα προσβάσιμη με οδική ή θαλάσσια δρομολόγια από την Αθήνα και υπάρχει μεγάλη ποικιλία καθημερινών πτήσεων και χρονοναυλωμάτων στην Αθήνα.

Property manager

Owner: Emmanuel Pattakos


English, Greek

Add dates for prices

Property amenities


  • Outdoor pool
  • Private pool


  • Available in the villa: WiFi

Parking and transportation

  • Car recommended
  • Parking on site


  • Blender
  • Coffee/tea maker
  • Dishwasher
  • Ice maker
  • Microwave
  • Oven
  • Paper towels
  • Refrigerator
  • Spices
  • Stovetop
  • Toaster


  • Dining table


  • 4 bedrooms
  • Bedsheets provided


  • 5 bathrooms
  • Bathtub or shower
  • Hair dryer
  • Outdoor shower
  • Shampoo
  • Shower
  • Soap
  • Toilet paper
  • Towels provided

Living spaces

  • Dining table
  • Fireplace
  • Living room


  • Books
  • DVD player
  • Games
  • Music library
  • Smart TV with cable/satellite channels
  • Stereo
  • Video library

Outdoor areas

  • Balcony
  • Barbecue grill
  • Fenced yard
  • Garden
  • Outdoor furniture


  • Washing machine

Work spaces

  • Desk


  • Air conditioning
  • Heating


  • No pets allowed


  • Designated smoking areas

Services and conveniences

  • Iron/ironing board
  • Phone

Location highlights

  • In a village
  • Near a health/beauty spa
  • Near a hospital
  • Near the bay
  • Near the marina
  • Near the sea

Things to do

  • Arcade/game room
  • Foosball table
  • Table tennis
  • Birdwatching nearby
  • Fishing nearby
  • Hiking/biking trails nearby
  • Horseback riding nearby
  • Mountain biking nearby
  • Sailing nearby
  • Scuba diving nearby
  • Snorkeling nearby
  • Surfing/bodyboarding nearby
  • Swimming nearby
  • Water skiing nearby
  • Water tubing nearby
  • Windsurfing nearby

Safety features

  • Carbon monoxide detector not reported (host has not indicated whether there is a carbon monoxide detector on the property; consider bringing a portable detector)
  • Smoke detector not reported (host has not indicated whether there is a smoke detector on the property)


  • Garden
  • Unit size: 2,691 square feet

Similar properties



Check-in time starts at 3:30 PM


Check-out before 11:00 AM

Special check-in instructions

You will receive an email from the host with check-in and check-out instructions


Pets not allowed

Children and extra beds

Children are welcome

Important information

You need to know

Extra-person charges may apply and vary depending on property policy
Government-issued photo identification and a credit card, debit card, or cash deposit may be required at check-in for incidental charges
Special requests are subject to availability upon check-in and may incur additional charges; special requests cannot be guaranteed
Parties and events (including family gatherings) are allowed on site; maximum attendees: 10
Host has not indicated whether there is a carbon monoxide detector on the property; consider bringing a portable detector with you on the trip
Host has not indicated whether there is a smoke detector on the property
This property is managed through our partner, Vrbo. You will receive an email from Vrbo with a link to a Vrbo account, where you can change or cancel your reservation

We should mention

Cash transactions at this property cannot exceed EUR 500, due to national regulations; for further details, please contact the property using information in the booking confirmation
A car is recommended for transportation to and from this property

Property is also known as

Villa ''anna'' A Slice of Heaven
Exclusive Hilltop Villa With Astonishing View ''anna'' Fully a/c

About the neighborhood

Porto Heli, Greece

What's nearby

  • Port of Spetses - 44 min drive - 7.6 km
  • Bouboulina's Museum - 44 min drive - 7.6 km
  • Spetses Lighthouse - 47 min drive - 9.2 km
  • Museum Bouboulina Laskarina - 52 min drive - 11.3 km
  • Spetses Beach - 55 min drive - 7.6 km


  • ‪Bar Spetsa - ‬44 min drive
  • ‪Aneton on the Verandah - ‬44 min drive
  • ‪Ορλώφ - ‬45 min drive
  • ‪Ρούσσος - ‬44 min drive
  • ‪Provenza - ‬44 min drive

Frequently asked questions

Does Villa Anna • a slice of heaven have a pool?

Yes, this property has an outdoor pool.

Is Villa Anna • a slice of heaven pet-friendly?

No, pets are not allowed at this property.

What time is check-in at Villa Anna • a slice of heaven ?

Check-in begins at 3:30 PM.

What time is check-out at Villa Anna • a slice of heaven ?

Check-out is at 11:00 AM.

Where is Villa Anna • a slice of heaven located?

Located by the sea, this family-friendly villa is within 6 mi (10 km) of Ermionida Marina, Spetses Beach, and Paradise Beach. Boúka and Bouboulina's Museum are also within 6 mi (10 km).

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Villa Anna • a slice of heaven Reviews




Rating 10 - Excellent. 23 out of 25 reviews
Rating 8 - Good. 2 out of 25 reviews
Rating 6 - Okay. 0 out of 25 reviews
Rating 4 - Poor. 0 out of 25 reviews
Rating 2 - Terrible. 0 out of 25 reviews




10/10 Excellent

Marianne Helms S.

Liked: Cleanliness, check-in, communication, location, listing accuracy
A beautiful and family-friendly house
We had the most amazing holiday in villa Anna. Everything lived up to our expectations and Anna was super friendly and accommodating throughout our entire stay. Both the house and pool were cleaned several times during our 10 days stay. A lovely large and spacious house for our two families with 5 teenage children. Our warmest recommendations.
Stayed 9 nights in Jul 2023

10/10 Excellent

sylvie C., Olivet

Liked: Cleanliness, check-in, communication, location, listing accuracy
A dream stay!
We found at Villa Anna a little corner of paradise. The Villa is wonderful, very spacious, extremely well appointed, nothing is missing. The exteriors are also beautiful, the pool is wonderful. In addition, the maintenance by the piscinist and the housekeeper are top(Vera is lovely). Not to mention the view, which is simply amazing. Everything is done to spend a dream vacation! An thank you to Anna for her patience , her responsiveness and her kindness!
Stayed 9 nights in Jul 2023

10/10 Excellent

John E.

Liked: Cleanliness, check-in, communication, location, listing accuracy
Could not ask for better!
A truly wonderful property, perfect in fact! Everything was great, response time of the owner, reaction to anything was just outstanding. And Vera the housekeeper is a gem. And she can cook! We would go back and maybe stay out of Athens, it's not for ability impaired folks, but the villa is great. The . Best . View . Ever!!!
Stayed 5 nights in Oct 2024

10/10 Excellent

John E.

Liked: Cleanliness, check-in, communication, location, listing accuracy
Super nice house in very nice neighborhood. Very responsive host. You won't find any better!
Stayed 7 nights in Oct 2024

10/10 Excellent

Anton J.

Liked: Cleanliness, check-in, communication, location, listing accuracy
Excellent stay in a beautiful Villa
We truly enjoyed our one week stay at villa Anna at the end of July. The villa and its facilities are exactly as described and fulfilled all our needs for a relaxed week of vacation. Some of the highlights of our stay: amazing views, quiet but easy to access location, fantastic pool and outdoor areas, spacious accommodation for a large family, overall well equipped and well maintained, and a great host.
Stayed 7 nights in Jul 2024

10/10 Excellent

Alan B.

Liked: Cleanliness, check-in, communication, location, listing accuracy
Great location, all comforts of home
Play of space. House excellent for family with children of any age. Nice pool. Great views.
Stayed 7 nights in Jul 2024

8/10 Good

Jean Yves L.

Liked: Cleanliness, check-in, communication, location
situation de la maison exceptionnelle
semaine très agréable pour 9 adultes dans une région historique. on aurait aimé etre prevenu de la non potabilité de l'eau courante et de l'utilisation des toilettes.
Stayed 7 nights in Aug 2023

8/10 Good

Marjon b.

Liked: Cleanliness, check-in, communication, location, listing accuracy
Prachtig huis met een betoverend uitzicht
Het was een huis waar je meteen thuis voelt. Heerlijk zwembad met fijne ligstoelen. De keuken was goed ingericht en het ontbrak aan niets.De bedden waren goed en voldoende handdoeken . Er was zelfs wissel en schoonmaak halverwege de week. Er was duidelijke communicatie met Anna. Kortom een fantastisch verblijf in Villa Anna I
Stayed 7 nights in Jun 2023

10/10 Excellent

Margaret P.

Liked: Cleanliness, check-in, communication, location, listing accuracy
Memorable vacation at Villa Anna
The house is beautiful: balconies to every bedroom looking out over stunning views of the sea, mountains and Spetses. The same wonderful views from spacious outdoor dining and pool areas. Great large pool for lap swimming. The villa is in a quiet area on a hill with other private homes, so you need a car to get to supermarkets and the center of Porto Heli, both just a few minutes’ drive away. There are several picturesque beach coves close to the villa for swimming in the sea. We found it a good center for excursions e.g., Spetses, Hydra, Epidavros, Napflion, Ermioni. The house is well-equipped (washing machine, dishwasher, home entertainment etc.) and there was a cleaning/linens replacement service midweek and at the weekend (we stayed for 2 weeks). Our hosts were very friendly and in touch periodically by email to make sure we had everything we needed.
Stayed 14 nights in Aug 2022

10/10 Excellent

Aimee V.

Liked: Cleanliness, check-in, communication, location, listing accuracy
What an amazing place!
Wonderful villa, wonderful host and wonderful views!! We were so sad to leave this 'slice of heaven' and loved our stay. Anna, the host, was amazing, very caring and checking if we were ok and if we needed anything. She replied really quickly to our queries and questions, nothing was too much trouble...thank you Anna! The views from the property were breath-taking and we'd love to stay there again one day. The pool was great and cleaned on a daily basis and we had a house-cleaner once during our stay. We would highly recommend this property, the photos are very accurate. We fell in love with this property, the views and the greek people! Thank you!!
Stayed 10 nights in Aug 2022

10/10 Excellent

Torsten Z., Berlin, Deutschland

Liked: Cleanliness, check-in, communication, location, listing accuracy
Traum-Villa mit Panoramablick!
Beginnend mit einer perfekten Kommunikation mit den Eigentümern, über die flexible Anreisezeit und die exponierte Lage des Hauses mit traumhaftem Panorama-Blick , bis hin zur wirklich exzellenten Ausstattung , lässt dieses Feriendomozil keine Wünsche offen! Absolut empfehlenswert! Starting with perfect communication with the owners, through the flexible arrival time and the exposed location of the house with a fantastic panoramic view, to the really excellent equipment, this holiday home leaves nothing to be desired! Highly Recommended!
Stayed 6 nights in Oct 2021

10/10 Excellent

Christine T.

Liked: Cleanliness, check-in, communication, location, listing accuracy
Best villa experience ever!
I have just had a wonderful 9 day stay in Villa Anna with my family. The view from the villa is breathtaking and it was incredibly relaxing to wake up to such beauty every day. The villa is spacious and didn’t feel too big for my family of four but I could see that it could take a larger group easily. We had everything we needed and Emmanuel was very helpful both before and during our stay. Very friendly cleaners came in regularly. We hired a car and did the 2 1/2 hour drive from Athens airport but I think another time I would try and time my flight in order to catch the ferry as the drive involved many hills and bends. We rented a boat at a very reasonable price from a boat rental in Porto Heli and found several deserted beaches. The water taxi to Spetses is also a must - it’s like taking a little trip to Venice and has a lovely atmosphere. The supermarkets in Porto Heli were great and the bread, pastries and coffee from Drougas bakery were a favourite.
Stayed 9 nights in Aug 2019

10/10 Excellent

Georg Ö.

Liked: Cleanliness, check-in, communication, location, listing accuracy
Fantastic house with an unforgettable 360 degree Ocean view!!
We stayed two families in the house and the house was perfect for us. Nice pool and the children also had a lot of fun in the game room. If we would visit Porto Heli again we would definitely rent the house again.
This review was submitted before 2018 and has not been verified.

10/10 Excellent

Jean P., Nicolet, Canada

Villa Anna is great!!!
Great villa with super view from the first floor and from the pool side. We were 3 couples for a week and we didn't want to leave. A lot to see and do in the neighbourhood, Spetses, Hydra, Kosta, Ermioni, etc. Ana and Emmanuel are great host. The villa was very clean and is very well equipped and about 10 min drive to PHeli. A real 5 stars villa! Thanks to Emmanuel and Ana.
This review was submitted before 2018 and has not been verified.

10/10 Excellent

Christian F.

Perfect House for perfect Holidays
"We stayed a fortnight at this absolutely amazing house. The pictures are not exaggerating! On some days it was really difficult to leave the area for some sightseeing, because just staying at the Villa was sufficient. The patio and the pool area are top. The playroom is - not as often the case - really for playing. You have enough room for table tennis. And we needed it because we had two days of heavy rain. The support is the best (but not obtrusive), inclusive the cleaning. You do need a car and we used it for everything (there are no parking Problems). The restaurants at Porto Heli are expensive and not the best. We had better lunch at every other place. Maybe "Alexandra" is the only one we could recommend. There is no better place for a vacation at Argolis than at Villa Anna!"
This review was submitted before 2018 and has not been verified.

10/10 Excellent

Nikolaas H.

this is really a home away from home
Amazing views and big swimming pool, beautiful and nicely decorated house. I stayed here with my brother's family and my own, the house is big and on multiple levels, there's always a quiet corner with a beautiful view. Fully recomended. Friendly owners.
This review was submitted before 2018 and has not been verified.

10/10 Excellent

sandrine r.

Incredible house!
The house and its location are as promising and astonishing as on the pictures. Emmanuel and Anna, the owners, made this place a real paradise on earth. Their incredible and warm welcome, as well as their availability whenever we had a question, were more than precious! All my family spent 2 unforgettable weeks there, enjoying the amazing view, the great swimming pool and the cozy and so comfortable house. Rooms are perfect (with air conditioning in every room) and each one has its own bathroom so that everyone can enjoy privacy. There is a game center in the garage with all kinds of games but we didn’t enjoy it a lot because we were spending the whole days and evenings close to the swimming pool! The house is ideally located at less than 10 minutes from Porto Helli (restaurants, supermarkets…) and it faces Spetses Island that we can reach in a few minutes with small taxi boats. Very nice and small beaches are reachable in few minutes and what makes the stay really exclusive is that the area is spared from mass tourism. We would be glad to return there very soon!
This review was submitted before 2018 and has not been verified.

10/10 Excellent

Jill L.

Wonderful villa with superb views
Villa Anna is a truly wonderful place. The house itself is very well-appointed, and accommodated 7 adults very comfortably. There is a good kitchen with large fridge-freezer, various terraces (all with superb sea views), a large well-maintained pool and stone-built barbecue etc etc. Emmanuel was an extremely good host. He met us in town even though we arrived extremely late, and guided us to the house. Even though he was not staying nearby while we were there, he arranged for a neighbour to help us with anything we needed e.g. when there were power cuts she arrived to turn on the generator. There are various beaches, but the nearest is the best, a 5 minute car drive or 12 minute walk. Car hire is essential.
This review was submitted before 2018 and has not been verified.

10/10 Excellent

emmanuel l., Paris

Paradise on Earth!
Breathtaking.. jaw dropping.. from the first minute we arrived there until the last one before leaving, we have the feeling to be welcomed in paradise.. All members of our big family (4 adults and 3 children) are still under the charm of this unique and beautiful villa, and their so friendly owners, Anna & Emmanuel. The location of this house is incredible : it lies on the ridge line of the last hill facing Spetses and beside Hydra Islands. From each room, and of course from balconies and terraces your eyes embrace the infinity of the blue sea and the lively "Riviera" on the coast. In between the ballet of yachts or sailing boats... A fascinating show day and night, under the stars. Rooms and the layout of the villa are just perfect, so that everyone has comfort and intimacy. Even kids appreciate the "game center" in the garage : tennis, hockey and soccer tables are just ready any time for maximum fun. And whenever you want to go sea bathing, small and very attractive beaches are reachable in few minutes, they're almost private, as this area is spared from mass tourism. The only trouble with this villa is that you forget your plans of visiting all archeological sites to enjoy being in the swimming pool or just relax in a sunny or shaded spot of this home. Most of all, it's true Anna and Emmanuel make you feel at home in their family house. So definitely, we hope to come back!
This review was submitted before 2018 and has not been verified.

10/10 Excellent

Valerie S.

Villa Anna
From the moment I made my first enquiry Emmanuel was helpful, informative and very friendly. We were met in Porto Heli by Emmanuel and escorted up to the villa where we were met by his lovely wife Anna who had made us a delicious iced tea to welcome us. These touches are so important to start your holiday off well. The house was in the most spectacular spot over looking Spetses. It was well equipped with everything you needed and more! We were a family group of nine ranging from 6 years old to 74. All of us found things of interest and activities to suit in the area. Altogether it was a fabulous holiday and everyone of us would recommend it. In fact if we can all get together again soon we all agreed we would love to return. Thank you Emmanuel and Anna for making our stay in your gorgeous house so memorable Valerie Stuart
This review was submitted before 2018 and has not been verified.

10/10 Excellent

carol d., Delaware, USA

A place to remember
Our 3-week stay at Villa Anna surpassed all our expectations! The warmth of the home was a reflection of its hospitable owners, Anna and Manoli, who made us feel so welcome from the first moment we met them! The views from the endless balconies are spectacular and tranquil, inspiring and relaxing, as they showcase the best Greece has to offer: clear skies and blue waters that compliment rolling hills covered with cypress trees, olive groves, vineyards, pine trees, thyme, oregano and a multitude of colorful plants! It is like Tuscany, surrounded by the crystal clear, inviting Aegean waters! Needless to say, the day of our departure was very difficult for all of us, but we made a promise to return to this beautiful part of Greece!
This review was submitted before 2018 and has not been verified.

10/10 Excellent

Everything as promised !
We where a family of 6 (and 1 baby 1,5 year) there and spend 2 weeks in May in Villa Anna. We can strongly recommend this residence. The owners was there to receive us, and we got a warm welcome and information about the house and area. The residence is on a hilltop in a peaceful area, but still close to town (a car is needed). Nielsen family Denmark
This review was submitted before 2018 and has not been verified.

10/10 Excellent

Greek Holiday - August 2010
Wow is really all I can say. The villa was stunning. The description was very accurate, it was very clean and exceptionally well maintained. The owner was more that helpful and very friendly, even picking us up with all our groceries on the day of our arrival. I would be happy to recommend this villa to anyone and in fact have already got two friends interested. The views are wonderful and it is very peaceful. You do absolutely need a car. Porto Heli has a wonderful outdoor cinema and the restaurants and supermarket are good. The boat trip to Spetze is a must. We had 8 staying at the villa - 4 children who only left the pool to play in the games room! The villa was spacious and cool and very welcoming - home from home but better! The layout worked well - the pool man came every other day and we had a lady clean the house once a week. The house is on 3 floors but you don't really use the 3rd as it is really just extra balconies - we used it for drying the washing! As long as you have a car I would say that both the area and the villa would ensure that you had a wonderful holiday and we most certainly didn't want to come back. The bbq by the pool and the outdoor bar area really added to the whole greek experience - we will go back.
This review was submitted before 2018 and has not been verified.

10/10 Excellent

the excellent experoence!!!!!!!!!!!
I have no words to describe the hospitality, the house, the view, the whole experience. We will definetely be back, maybe during the winter! Thank you for a great vaccation! Mary
This review was submitted before 2018 and has not been verified.

10/10 Excellent

Alexandra S.

Villa Anna
We have stayed for 3 weeks in villa Anna and we had the most fabulous time over there. The view from the villa is just stunning. And so is the villa itself with the large pool. The owners are very friendly and helpfull and we were pleasantly surprised with the warm welcome at arrival. We would definitely recommend this place!!