We had plans to spend a lovely Christmas holiday in this mountain cabin. And, it is a beautiful cabin atmosphere. Unfortunately, the 2nd day in, we were hit with a major snowstorm and found out, too late, that the cabin was not outfitted with proper equipment to ride out the storm. We ended up spending the majority of Christmas Eve/Day with no power or ways to manage. There were no flashlights, lanterns, generator, axe to split wood and no snow equipment except a single shovel to manage being snowbound w/o hours of shoveling the long driveway and the large snow wall the plow left at the entrance to the drive. Food was getting warm in the fridge, kitchen appliances were non-functional to cook. We contacted the hosts, who had a neighbor bring us a single small lantern, which was a nice gesture, but wholly inadequate. They told me, on two separate occasions, that they just purchased the home in August and were still equipping it--a little late with a family stuck without needed supplies. We used most of the woodpile supply in the wood stove to stay warm. The entire situation created a huge, uncomfortable safety issue for my family. After two days of this, we chose to leave the cabin a day early during a break in the storm so we were not again in a position of being stuck without proper supplies to manage. We approached the hosts about a 2-day refund because of the lack of needed supplies to manage a snowstorm and we first were ignored and then refused. They cited a line in the contract that they were not responsible for weather. The actual contract context discussed not being responsible for weather d/t road conditions to the cabin. Agreed--we understand that. Not the issue. What is not covered in that line is having rented a mountain cabin, in the middle of winter, and not having it adequately supplied with basic needs for the renters to manage the snowstorm safely and comfortably. That's the responsibility of the hosts of such a rental. We rented for 5 days, and because of their lack of preparation, we lost two days of our vacation and my family was put in an unsafe, unfortunate and very disappointing situation. They refused to take responsibility. Caution to future winter renters--ask good questions of what is included!