
Popular cities in Chihuahua
Ciudad Juárez
Known for Dining, Shopping and Business
Experience the local cuisine, entertainment, and opera in Ciudad Juárez!
Reasons to visit
- Cathedral of Our Lady of Guadalupe
- Central Park
- Chamizal Federal Public Park
Known for Dining, Shopping and Museums
Get away to Chihuahua! Enjoy the cafes, museums, and art.
Reasons to visit
- Cathedral of Chihuahua
- Quinta Gameros Cultural Center
Known for Tours, Rock climbing and Hot springs
Escape to quaint Bocoyna! Enjoy its rock climbing, hot springs, and adventures.
Reasons to visit
- Lake Arareko
- San Ignacio Mission
Known for Scenery, Adventure and Ziplining
Explore secluded Urique: its adventures, zip-lining, sightseeing, and more!
Known for Culture, Theaters and Monuments
Escape to Cuauhtemoc! Enjoy its culture, theater, and monuments.
Hidalgo del Parral
Known for Friendly people, Shopping and Dining
Hidalgo del Parral is calling! Discover its monuments, history, food, and more.
AhumadaAldamaAllendeAquiles SerdánAreponapuchiAscensiónBachínivaBallezaBatopilasBocoynaBuenaventuraCamargoCampestre-LomasCarichíCasas GrandesCerocahuiChihuahuaChínipasCiudad JuárezColonia AnáhuacColonia JuárezCoronadoCoyame del SotolCreelCuauhtemocCusarareCusihuiriachiDeliciasDivisaderoDr. Belisario DomínguezEl DivisaderoEl TuleGaleanaGran MorelosGuachochiGuadalupeGuadalupe y CalvoGuazaparesGuerreroGómez FaríasHidalgo del ParralHuejotitánIgnacio ZaragozaJanosJimenezJulimesLa CendraditaLa CruzLázaro CárdenasLópezMaderaMaguarichiManuel BenavidesMariano BallezaMata OrtízMatachíMatamorosMeoquiMesa ColoradaMiradorMorelosMorisNamiquipaNonoavaNuevo Casas GrandesOcampoOjinagaPachecoPancho VillaPráxedis G. GuerreroRiva PalacioRosalesRosarioSan AgustinSan Francisco de BorjaSan Francisco de ConchosSan Francisco del OroSan RafaelSanta BárbaraSanta IsabelSatevóSaucilloTaizTemorisTemósachicUriqueUruachiValle de Zaragoza