Only 35 minutes from DC yet a world away! Flat water Kayaker's Fisherman Nature lovers Heaven, Central air-conditioned 2 bedroom and 1.5 bath waterfront cottage, 2000 feet of waterfront with ten mile sunset view over the Potomac River, and sunrise view up Pomonkey Creek. Planet watcher's love it here. Gated compound complete with 200 foot pier, 24 foot tall observation tower, and 600 foot long elevated walkway along tidal pool. Spectacular eagle, osprey, butterflies, dragon flies water fowl. Kayaks, canoe all equipment provided. King size bed, Queen size bed and California Single all with thermopedic pads. Well-equipped kitchen for your eat-in pleasure. Internet service included is Verizon Fios Wireless which is usually reliable.
Pack binoculars, magnifying glasses, flashlights, cameras, journals and art supplies.
Welcome to Intense Nature! AKA Weed Tourism! AKA Wildflower Magic! Guided wildflower walks available on request. Plus introduction to iNaturalist app!
Mother Nature follows her own schedule, sometimes early, sometimes late...but always great!
Compare sunsets and unsets.
*First Fingers of Ice on Pomonkey Creek.
Crack thin ice into sparkling shards with your kayak!
*River Ice Concerts if really cold-
*Extra-Special Eagle Watch: Sometimes the Potomac River freezes all the way across. Eagles mate on the ice.
*Full Moon: 1/28/21
*Full Moon: 2/27/21
*Time of Most Dramatic Red Sunsets
*Time to Collect Dinosaur Pinecones-
Our meta-sequoia/dawn redwood was here in the time of dinosaurs.
*Morel season (Knowledgable guests found dozens in area!)
*Full Moon 3/28/21
*Spring Equinox (03/22)
*Return of the Turtles
You wouldn’t be the first to see snapping turtles mating in the pond!
*Super Full Moon: 4/26/21
*Yellow Flags circle the pond! (Wild irises!)
Think “Monet”! Paint your own masterpiece.
*Super Full Moon: 5/26/21
*Osprey Return and Nest
How many chicks will hatch this year?
*Full Moon: 7/23/21
*Endless Wildflowers
Note for purple lovers: Ironweed and Joe-Pye Weed (which collect giant bouquets of butterflies) bloom in August.
*Mulberries ripen.
Edible. Some people like to eat them. Used by colonists to dye wool.
*Baby Groundhugs and Raccoons emerge from burrows to vacuum up their beloved mulberries. Prepare to laugh. They also climb trees.
*Buttercups abound.
*Summer Solstice (6/21)
How much can you do on the longest day?
*Full Moon: 6/24/21
*Marsh Mallow/hibiscus
Our biggest flowers! And yes, the colonists used them to make marshmallow. Ask for recipe.
*Full Moon: 7/23/21
*Bubblegum Tree Blooms
Whenever she feels like it. There is a time when the cottage and the crepe myrtle (Tonto) are the same shade of pink!
*Great Egret Afternoons on the Pond-
Take fishing lessons from a bird. Learn to fish from/like a bird
*Dragonflies swarm! Learn to sex dragons. Meet Ketchup and Mustard.
*Green Heron Family visits pond
*Blue Moon: 8/22/21
*Canada Geese Practice Flocking
Goose families gather to meet their cousins and practice group “V” formations.
*Eagle Pair Reclaim their Spot/Branch on/in Southern Red Oak (Quercus falcata). Native.
*Full Moon: 9/20/21
*Autumn Equinox (9/21). Around equinox song bird migration N to S
*Groundhugs spend more time underground
*Indian Summer
*Full Moon: 10/20/21
*Eagle Pairs can be seen flying together in mating patterns.
*Autumn Colors! Unique maple display at entrance to Marshall Hall on way to boat ramp.
*Monarch Migration
*Canada geese fly in ribbons across the sky.
*Special sunsets tinged with gold, yellow-gold and rose-gold. Lovely kayaking on the Potomac as the day ends.
*Watch the leaves fall off the trees.
*Micro Full Moon: 11/19/21
*Winter Waterfowl Return. Some pass through. Others gather. Ducks, geese, swans! (Eagles, of course.) Every so often you might see a gregarious coot...
*Return of the mud flats- nature’s newspaper
*Micro Full Moon: 12/18/21
*Winter Solstice : 12/21
*Eagles Mate, easiest to observe on ice.
*Woods Welcome Wandering
After leaves fall, see the lay of the land and study the structure of trees.
* Great sunsets, sunrises, and insects. We have 240 degree view of horizon.
*Sparkles on the Water
*Vultures enjoy hanging around at the Beach
Learn to love and ID turkey and black vultures.