Black Rock

Travel Guide

Black Rock

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Reviews of Black Rock

Top Destination
5 - Excellent
5 - Excellent 30%
4 - Good
4 - Good 46%
3 - Okay
3 - Okay 21%
2 - Disappointing
2 - Disappointing 2%
1 - Terrible
1 - Terrible 1%

4/5 - Good


Tobago is gorgeous, the people are wonderful. Make sure you have doubles, slight pepper (wording is everything) and have some Royal Castle chicken, even if you have to purchase it at the airport. Tour guide: Hans Phillips

5/5 - Excellent

Verified traveler

Lots of birds in neighbourhood

4/5 - Good

Verified traveler

Will visit again

4/5 - Good

Verified traveler

Great location, needs developing

4/5 - Good


Black Rock is safe and clean.

1/5 - Terrible

Verified traveler

Very unfortunate in 2019 you find so many homophobic people. And said to see the difference in how white travelers are treated verses black travelers. Its Almost like the people there are still stuck in slavery mindsets of white is better. And i.