Amazonas Region
Popular cities in Amazonas Region
San Carlos
Check out the local area in San Carlos—home to attractions like Gocta Waterfalls and Atumpampa.
Reasons to visit
- Gocta Waterfalls
Venture to sights like Kuelap and Kuelap Cable Car as you discover Tingo.
Reasons to visit
- Kuelap
Venture to sights like Huancas Lookout and Cerro Tosan as you discover Huancas.
Reasons to visit
- Huancas Lookout
Known for Hiking, Waterfalls and Tours
Get away to quaint Chachapoyas! Enjoy the hiking, waterfalls, and ruins.
Bagua Grande
Known for Universities and Natural parks
Escape to Bagua Grande! Enjoy its university life and parks.
Known for Horseback riding, Hiking and Excursions
Leimebamba awaits: its horseback riding, hiking, history, and more!
Anexo ChonsgonAnexo SuyubambaAnexo de CuchuliaAramangoAsunciónBaguaBagua GrandeBalsasCajaruroCamporredondoChachapoyasChetoChiliquínChirimotoChisquillaChuquibambaChurujaCocabambaCocachimbaCochamalCohechánColcamarConilaCopallinCoroshaCuispesCumbaEl CenepaEl MilagroEl ParcoFloridaGranadaHuamboHuancasImazaInguilpataJamalcaJazánJumbillaLa CocaLa JalcaLa PecaLeimebambaLevantoLimabambaLimón GrandeLongarLonguitaLonya ChicoLonya GrandeLuyaLuya ViejoLámudMagdalenaMariscal BenavidesMariscal CastillaMaríaMilpucMolinopampaMontevideoNievaOcalliOcumalOllerosOmiaPedro RuizPisuquíaPomacochasProvidenciaQuinjalcaRectaRío SantiagoSan CarlosSan CristóbalSan Francisco de DaguasSan Francisco del YesoSan Isidro de MainoSan JerónimoSan Juan de LopecanchaSan NicolásSanta CatalinaSanta RosaSanto TomásShipasbambaSolocoSoncheTingoTotoraTritaVista AlegreYambrasbambaYamón